The new Magento 2.3.4 will be released soon in the next Tuesday, January 14th. This version includes some important changes in security, quality, and platform technologies. Let’s see what Adobe is preparing for us in the upcoming patch and what we need to know before the implementation.
Available security-only patch
The SECURITY-ONLY PATCH 2.3.3-p1 is the fixed patch for the latest Magento 2.3.3 version. It fixes the vulnerabilities found out in the last quarterly release provides. This security-only patch includes only the bug-fix and doesn’t provide any additional security options.
To help Magento users identify anonymous vulnerabilities easily when they meet the fail deployment, Magento will assign and published indexed CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) numbers with each bug reported by external parties.
Platform enhancements & performance boosting
The Magento 2.3.4 will provides some upgrades to improve the security system and enhance PCI compliance:
- Support the latest RabbitMQ (v3.8), which underlies the Magento message queue framework
- Enhance the page cache and session storage
- Improve support for MariaDB 10.2: Magento 2.3.4 normalized the values returned by MariaDB
They also provide some changes and enhancements to improve system performance:
- Reject redundant non-cached requests to the server on catalog pages
- Refactor all PHTML files to better support parsing by the bundling mechanism
- Allow disabling the statistic collecting mode of Reports module when it is not required, helping boost system performance
Changes in Magento functions
Besides many improvements in security and platform performance, Magento still has plenty of changes in the feature system below.
Reject the payment method, you should replace it with other available payment integration on the Marketplace.
Check the best Payment Integration extensions here!
Infrastructure, merchant tool and updates
Magento 2.3.4 release over 200 enhancements to core quality which improve the quality of the Framework and some vital modules: PayPal, CMS, B2B, Elasticseacrch, import, catalog, and sales.
This patch integrates with the Adobe Stock image galleries which allow vendors adding high-quality media to their CMS pages in the Magento Admin.
Finally, it is some enhancements in Inventory Management. The Magento team found some ways to:
- Decrease the load time on the database server when interacting with the shopping cart.
- Resolved multiple quality issues related to credit memos, grouped products, source, and stock mass actions.
- Reduced the memory usage by updating the Inventory Reservations CLI
Check more update information on Inventory Management here.
The Monthly Magento Partner Sales and Program Update webinar
The latest announcement of Magento is not only about Magento 2.3.4, but it also informs the new sales partnership- The Monthly Partner Sales.
More information about the Solution Partner Program is here!
Furthermore, you can get more detail about the new Magento Partner position and the overview of this 2.3.4 version through the program update webinar (*).
New performance enhancements and fixed codes
This release includes 220 functional fixes, over 30 security improvements and 275 contribute changes from the Magento community, enhancing Inventory Management and GraphQL.
Provide over 30 security enhancements helping to close XSS & RCE vulnerabilities.
To get the update details, check this preview of the pre-release note.
When the release note officially publish
Magento hasn’t had an official publish day, but following the previous patch, the Magento 2.3.4 may be introduced on the last days of January 2019.
Note: The full pre-release note will be completed on Jan 14th, so now you can check and review this preview.
If you have any questions or need advice about the upcoming Magento 2.3.4 version, please contact us via email